creates opportunities for
Growing, Learning, Experiencing and Enjoying Life
Supported Living Services
In our Supported Living Services Program, we offer support to people who are living on their own and people who are living at home with their family.
The Supported Living Services Program is a program in which our agency provides a specific amount of hours per week for a specific type of support designed by the person and his/her interdisciplinary team.
Our Management and Administrative personnel provide initial and ongoing training, oversight, and monitoring of the Supported Living Services Program, ensuring the individual/family/team satisfaction with supports and the assurance that all needs are being met.
Living With Your Family
This program is a personalized support designed for people who are living at home with their family. This program is meant to prepare the person and the family for a more independent living arrangement in the future and/or to provide ongoing support in the family home for a period of time determined by the person and family.
Emphasis is placed on supporting the person to reach and meet their personal outcomes and needs as well as the provision of family support during this period of growth.

Our agency prides itself in its excellent interview and matching process for the individual and our Mentoring Coordinators.
Living on Your Own
This program is an individually tailored service to teach and support people who are living on their own. Emphasis is placed on supporting the person to reach and meet their personal outcomes in their life and for their future.