creates opportunities for
Growing, Learning, Experiencing and Enjoying Life
Day Services
The provisions of all services of support are based on listening and observing to hear what will make each person's life a Quality Life and provide the necessary support to help make that happen.
Integrated Employment Services
Our Integrated Employment Services Program is designed to provide individuals with the necessary support to obtain and maintain employment in a setting of their choice. We are committed to people having a job of their choice as well as continued job satisfaction.
Individual Community Connections Program
Our Individual Community Connections Program is designed to use the community as a learning environment. All supports occur in the community doing activities of the person's choice. We are committed to people participating in everyday functions of community life while building personal skills and community connections.
Our Management and Administrative Personnel provide initial and ongoing training, oversight, and monitoring of the Day Services program, ensuring person/family/team satisfaction with supports and the assurance that all needs are being met.