creates opportunities for
Growing, Learning, Experiencing and Enjoying Life
Community Support Services, Inc. is a well-established family-oriented organization that measures its success by the satisfaction and progress of the people it supports.
We truly want each person to grow, learn, experience and enjoy life.

"We want to express our sincere appreciation that the Staff at Community Support Services, Inc. has shown for our granddaughter Pam over the many years that she was a client of yours. Your company is such a warm, family-oriented group of dedicated personnel and we will always remember how much you did for Pam.
Your attention to the well being of your clients, the wonderful summer picnics, the meaningful mountain camping, the extensive Essential Lifestyle Plans, the fun-filled evening programs, the Holiday/Recognition parties, all these things and more, just come so natural from all of the Staff.
While our paths may not cross in the future, we will always treasure the love and care you all showed Pam, and us. God bless you all forever and ever."
June and Leo Hanover (grandparents)
The initial and most important step, prior to services beginning with our agency, is to come together with you and the most important people in your life to conduct an Essential Lifestyle Plan.
This process is the core of our agency and ensures that
A few highlights of our commitment to you...
➢ We will always check in with you to ensure you are happy and satisfied with our services and supports. When you need something to change, we will do that! We will LISTEN to you!
➢ We will closely monitor your Services and Supports to ensure expectations are followed through on consistently.
➢ Our mentoring and support systems are designed to ensure the people who support you are continuously meeting our agency vision, mission and philosophy regarding your services and supports.
➢ We will make our CSSI Management Staff available to you 24/7 for any emergencies.
➢ We will make our CSSI Registered Nurse available to you 24/7 for any medical emergencies.
➢ We will provide monthly fun events designed to further enrich your social life, capture some of your interests, broaden your experiences and just have some additional fun in your life. Events include: varied cultural nights from around the world, mountain retreats, holiday parties, dances, art exhibits, karaoke, etc.
Our agency’s emphasis is to provide opportunities for growing, learning, experiencing and enjoying life! We are especially proud of our commitment to provide quality services. We base our philosophy on Outcome Based Services, ensuring that systems to listen and observe are in place to find out what will make each individual’s life a quality life. We are then committed to putting the necessary supports in place to work toward and/or meet these outcomes.